June 16, 2007

Meet the Girls Gone Wild Plaintiffs

Filed under: Brain Poison,Interesting News,Politics,Trials/Lawsuits — acepundit @ 2:01 pm

A few days ago I reported on the lawsuit that was filed on behalf of Brooke Patsolic and Christina Brose, the two girls who were supposedly “enticed” onto a “Girls Gone Wild” bus after having been promised free t-shirts. According to the plaintiffs they were also promised that their freaky escapades wouldn‘t be made public. Apparently they’re now featured in two “Girls Gone Wild” videos.

Brooke Patsolic and Christina Brose

Their lawyers argue that they were served alcohol, so even if consent was given it wasn’t legal. Moreover, the girls were supposedly under 21 when accepting the drinks. The camera crew maintains that they never serve alcohol to anyone on the bus and that they received permission to use the footage in their videos.

In my previous post I stated that this is a frivolous lawsuit. The girls should have known what they were getting into, and even if they were served alcohol, as minors they became criminals the moment they accepted it. Hopefully they and every potential “Girls Gone Wild” star is learning a lesson from this.

Apparently there’s great interest in what these girls look like. The e-mails have been pouring in and search engine results highlight the unusual fascination with the plaintiffs. Well, a trusted source came through and sent me a picture, so I decided to post it…for journalistic purposes, of course. Patsolic is on the left.

Sadly, it appears that there’s more interest in “Girls Gone Wild” than my exciting breakdown of Supreme Court decisions. So be it.

June 13, 2007

Still Want That T-Shirt?

Filed under: Brain Poison,Trials/Lawsuits — acepundit @ 3:20 pm

Maybe these girls thought they were going onto a bookmobile when they wandered over, but nevertheless I hope they get laughed out of court:

PANAMA CITY, Fla. – Two Florida women have sued “Girls Gone Wild” creator Joe Francis and his film company, alleging a sexually explicit video was released without their consent.

In the federal lawsuit filed Monday in Panama City, Brook Patsolic and Christina Brose said they were enticed to board a “Girls Gone Wild” tour bus with the promise of free clothing. Once onboard, they allegedly were given alcoholic drinks even though both were younger than 21.

According to the lawsuit, the cameramen then coerced the women into exposing themselves and engaging in sexual activities, but repeatedly stated they would not use footage in a video. However, the footage appeared on two separate “Girls Gone Wild” DVDs.

It’s amazing what some females will do for a crappy t-shirt, and even more amazing how surprised they are when they find out the next day that they’ve been exploited.

I’m kind of curious as to how these girls were “enticed” into boarding the “Girls Gone Wild” bus in the first place. I know a seedy guy with a camera promising free t-shirts is an offer that can’t be refused to some people, but when they were asked to remove their clothing are shame their parents by doing the nasty, a siren or two should have gone off.

Did they really expect the footage of them to be locked up somewhere in a secret vault? Something has to be put on those DVDs to sell, and the choreographer telling them what to do surely wasn’t doing it for his health.

This is a frivolous lawsuit by two adult women who knew what they were getting themselves into when they boarded the bus and broke the law by accepting alcohol, something that as the core part of the lawsuit will be hard to prove as the film crew denies providing any.

I’m sure there are more women who later regretted appearing in one or more of the countless videos produced then peddled on late-night infomercials, and this lawsuit may spur many more. Many more from girls who were told they were the hottest “I’ve ever seen” and then offered a free shirt for exposing themselves on camera.

They don’t call it “Girls Gone Wild” for nothing.

UPDATE: With some reluctance I posted a picture of Brooke Patsolic and Christina Brose in this recent post. It may be tabloid fodder, but it also relates to our discourse on frivolous lawsuits.

What would Chuck Norris do if elected president?

Filed under: Brain Poison,Sports — acepundit @ 12:29 am

“Cut spending by dismissing the Secret Service, at least for my eight years in office (why would I need them?).” – Walker Texas Ranger, 6/11/07.

Touché, your holiness.

In other news, the Yankees won. Again. Don’t write them off yet. Not only are they real wildcard contenders but 9.5 games out of first isn’t much when you’ve got the hottest hitter, RBI and homerun leader in the majors.

Kathy Griffin was ok tonight. In the episode she toured some small Michigan town. Nothing special.

June 11, 2007

We Need This Show Why?

Filed under: Brain Poison,Democrats,Republicans — acepundit @ 11:59 am

The “½ Hour News Hour” is the supposed conservative answer to “Saturday Night Live,” because, I guess, we desperately need a balance to SNL. But even if it is nice to see more parodies of the left, the ACLU and their other sacred cows hardly touched on network television, the “½ Hour News Hour” is a horrible vehicle for it. Airing Sunday sometime after midnight on Fox News, the sketch comedy feels forced with its agenda super imposed on the viewer.

The thing about SNL’s “Weekend Update” that some may have forgotten is that it’s not a liberal sketch segment. While it’s true you’ll more often see jokes at President Bush’s expense than anyone else’s, have we forgotten that SNL cornered the Monica Lewinsky era? They make fun of all sides, and during a Republican administration it’s understandable to see more jokes about Republicans.

It’s childish watching the untalented anchors of “½ Hour News Hour” basically say “See, we’ll show them and make fun of liberals. Only liberals!” But worst of all, it’s not even funny. As the Orlando Sentinel correctly remarked, “‘Weekend Update'” on its worst night isn’t this bad.”

Then at times the show just gets plain mean. Michelle Malkin links to a segment featuring Dennis Miller who “barbeques” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in a ruthless monologue to awkward studio audience laughs. Agree with it or not, this is not what we want to watch when we turn on comedy.

June 10, 2007

I’m Not Enjoying This

Filed under: Brain Poison — acepundit @ 6:04 pm

But I’m not exactly sympathizing for Paris either in her rare moment of wishing to avoid the cameras:

Paris Hilton was so terrified guards would snap a cell-phone picture of her on the toilet that she didn’t eat or drink for three days, which left her facing a life-threatening collapse, a source told the Daily News.

The stainless steel lavatory in the hotel heiress’ 12-foot-by-8-foot cell was in plain view of a large window in the door, which guards could look through 24 hours a day.

Imagine the fighting in the guardhouse for that post! Ok, I promise no more on Paris Hilton. Not today anyway.

June 8, 2007

Kathy Griffin Makes it Tough for Real D-Listers

Filed under: Brain Poison — acepundit @ 11:44 pm

It’s not so easy anymore for Kathy Griffin to pretend she’s a Hollywood nobody with the third season of her Bravo network reality show “My Life on the D-List” attracting more than a million viewers for its premiere episode.

I hate to admit it. I really, really do. But Kathy Griffin is a truly gifted comedian with a uniquely sinuous storytelling-style of standup. I don’t know why I find myself so engrossed in her entertaining world of gossip but I do.

Never mind she’s so liberal she “supports gun control at gay weddings” and made some stupid remark about Condi Rice not being a good black as a guest host on “The View,” I’m a fan – a proud straight fan.

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